Disallow use of Object.prototypes builtins directly (no-prototype-builtins)

禁止直接使用 Object.prototypes 的内置属性 (no-prototype-builtins)

In ECMAScript 5.1, Object.create was added, which enables the creation of objects with a specified [[Prototype]]. Object.create(null) is a common pattern used to create objects that will be used as a Map. This can lead to errors when it is assumed that objects will have properties from Object.prototype. This rule prevents calling some Object.prototype methods directly from an object.

在ECMAScript 5.1中,新增了 Object.create,它支持使用指定的 [[Prototype]] 创建对象。Object.create(null) 是一种常见的模式,用于创建将用作映射的对象。当假定对象将包含来自Object.prototype 的属性时,这可能会导致错误。该规则防止直接从一个对象调用某些 Object.prototype 的方法。

Additionally, objects can have properties that shadow the builtins on Object.prototype, potentially causing unintended behavior or denial-of-service security vulnerabilities. For example, it would be unsafe for a webserver to parse JSON input from a client and call hasOwnProperty directly on the resulting object, because a malicious client could send a JSON value like {"hasOwnProperty": 1} and cause the server to crash.

此外,对象可以具有属性,这些属性可以将 Object.prototype 的内建函数隐藏,可能导致意外行为或拒绝服务安全漏洞。例如,web 服务器解析来自客户机的 JSON 输入并直接在结果对象上调用 hasOwnProperty 是不安全的,因为恶意客户机可能发送一个JSON值,如 {"hasOwnProperty": 1},并导致服务器崩溃。

To avoid subtle bugs like this, it’s better to always call these methods from Object.prototype. For example, foo.hasOwnProperty("bar") should be replaced with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(foo, "bar").

为了避免这种细微的 bug,最好总是从 Object.prototype 调用这些方法。例如,foo.hasOwnProperty("bar") 应该替换为 Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(foo, "bar")

Rule Details

This rule disallows calling some Object.prototype methods directly on object instances.

该规则禁止直接在对象实例上调用 Object.prototype 的一些方法。

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

错误 代码示例:

/*eslint no-prototype-builtins: "error"*/

var hasBarProperty = foo.hasOwnProperty("bar");

var isPrototypeOfBar = foo.isPrototypeOf(bar);

var barIsEnumerable = foo.propertyIsEnumerable("bar");

Examples of correct code for this rule:

正确 代码示例:

/*eslint no-prototype-builtins: "error"*/

var hasBarProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(foo, "bar");

var isPrototypeOfBar = Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf.call(foo, bar);

var barIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(foo, "bar");

When Not To Use It

You may want to turn this rule off if you will never use an object that shadows an Object.prototype method or which does not inherit from Object.prototype.

You may want to turn this rule off if your code only touches objects with hardcoded keys, and you will never use an object that shadows an Object.prototype method or which does not inherit from Object.prototype.

如果你的代码只接触带有硬编码键的对象,并且你永远不会使用遮蔽 Object.prototype 的方法或者不是继承自 Object.prototype 的方法,那么你可能想要关闭此规则。


This rule was introduced in ESLint 2.11.0.

该规则在 ESLint 2.11.0 中被引入。
