Import Sorting (sort-imports)

import 排序 (sort-imports)

The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

命令行中的 --fix 选项可以自动修复一些该规则报告的问题。

The import statement is used to import members (functions, objects or primitives) that have been exported from an external module. Using a specific member syntax:

import 语句用来引入外部模块输出的成员 (函数、对象或原语)。使用一个特定的成员的语法:

// single - Import single member.
import myMember from "my-module.js";

// multiple - Import multiple members.
import {foo, bar} from "my-module.js";

// all - Import all members, where myModule contains all the exported bindings.
import * as myModule from "my-module.js";

The import statement can also import a module without exported bindings. Used when the module does not export anything, but runs it own code or changes the global context object.

import 语句也可以引入不经输出绑定的模块。用于模块不作任何输入,就可运行或改变全局上下文对象。

// none - Import module without exported bindings.
import "my-module.js"

When declaring multiple imports, a sorted list of import declarations make it easier for developers to read the code and find necessary imports later. This rule is purely a matter of style.

当什么多个 import ,一个排好序的 import 声明列表让开发者更容易阅读代码和找到必要的 import。该规则纯粹是一种风格。

Rule Details

This rule checks all import declarations and verifies that all imports are first sorted by the used member syntax and then alphabetically by the first member or alias name.

该规则检查所有的 import 声明,验证所有的 import 都是首先按照使用的成员语法排序,其次是按照第一个成员或别名的字母顺序排序。

The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes some problems reported by this rule: multiple members on a single line are automatically sorted (e.g. import { b, a } from 'foo.js' is corrected to import { a, b } from 'foo.js'), but multiple lines are not reordered.

命令行中的 --fix 选项可以自动修复一些该规则报告的问题:在同一行的多个元素会自动被排序(如, import { b, a } from 'foo.js' 会更正为 import { a, b } from 'foo.js'),但跨行的情况下不会重新排序。


This rule accepts an object with its properties as


Default option settings are:


    "sort-imports": ["error", {
        "ignoreCase": false,
        "ignoreDeclarationSort": false,
        "ignoreMemberSort": false,
        "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"]


Default settings

Examples of correct code for this rule when using default options:

默认选项 正确 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import 'module-without-export.js';
import * as bar from 'bar.js';
import * as foo from 'foo.js';
import * as bar from 'bar.js';
import {alpha, beta} from 'alpha.js';
import {delta, gamma} from 'delta.js';
import a from 'baz.js';
import b from 'qux.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import a from 'foo.js';
import b from 'bar.js';
import c from 'baz.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import 'foo.js'
import * as bar from 'bar.js';
import {a, b} from 'baz.js';
import c from 'qux.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import {a, b, c} from 'foo.js'

Examples of incorrect code for this rule when using default options:

默认选项 错误 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import b from 'foo.js';
import a from 'bar.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import a from 'foo.js';
import A from 'bar.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import {b, c} from 'foo.js';
import {a, b} from 'bar.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import a from 'foo.js';
import {b, c} from 'bar.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import a from 'foo.js';
import * as b from 'bar.js';

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import {b, a, c} from 'foo.js'


When true the rule ignores the case-sensitivity of the imports local name.

当为 true 时,该规则忽略 import 语句本地名称的大小写。

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "ignoreCase": true } option:

选项 { "ignoreCase": true }错误 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreCase": true }]*/

import B from 'foo.js';
import a from 'bar.js';

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreCase": true } option:

选项 { "ignoreCase": true }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreCase": true }]*/

import a from 'foo.js';
import B from 'bar.js';
import c from 'baz.js';

Default is false.

默认为 false


Ignores the sorting of import declaration statements.

忽略 import 声明语句的排序。

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "ignoreDeclarationSort": false } option:

默认选项 { "ignoreDeclarationSort": false }错误 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreDeclarationSort": false }]*/
import b from 'foo.js'
import a from 'bar.js'

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreDeclarationSort": true } option:

选项 { "ignoreDeclarationSort": true }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreDeclarationSort": true }]*/
import a from 'foo.js'
import b from 'bar.js'
/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreDeclarationSort": true }]*/
import b from 'foo.js'
import a from 'bar.js'

Default is false.

默认为 false


Ignores the member sorting within a multiple member import declaration.

忽略有多个成员的 import 声明的排序。

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "ignoreMemberSort": false } option:

默认选项 { "ignoreMemberSort": false }错误 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreMemberSort": false }]*/
import {b, a, c} from 'foo.js'

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreMemberSort": true } option:

选项 { "ignoreMemberSort": true }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "ignoreMemberSort": true }]*/
import {b, a, c} from 'foo.js'

Default is false.

默认为 false


There are four different styles and the default member syntax sort order is:


All four options must be specified in the array, but you can customize their order.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"] } option:

默认选项 { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"] }错误 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: "error"*/
import a from 'foo.js';
import * as b from 'bar.js';

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ['single', 'all', 'multiple', 'none'] } option:

选项 { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ['single', 'all', 'multiple', 'none'] }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ['single', 'all', 'multiple', 'none'] }]*/

import a from 'foo.js';
import * as b from 'bar.js';

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ['all', 'single', 'multiple', 'none'] } option:

选项 { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ['all', 'single', 'multiple', 'none'] }正确 代码示例:

/*eslint sort-imports: ["error", { "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ['all', 'single', 'multiple', 'none'] }]*/

import * as foo from 'foo.js';
import z from 'zoo.js';
import {a, b} from 'foo.js';

Default is ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"].

默认为 ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"]

When Not To Use It

This rule is a formatting preference and not following it won’t negatively affect the quality of your code. If alphabetizing imports isn’t a part of your coding standards, then you can leave this rule disabled.

该规则是个格式化偏好,不遵循它不会影响你的代码质量。如果按字母顺序排序的 import 不是你编码标准一部分,你可以关闭此规则。


This rule was introduced in ESLint 2.0.0-beta.1.

该规则在 ESLint 2.0.0-beta.1 中被引入。
